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Freeing the Soul
Freeing the Soul Freeing the Soul With knowledge and power, one can supersede so-called karma. We are all well aware of reincarnation, many of the people in your life, for good or ill, you have known before, especially family members. These relationships can last many lifetimes. Some of ...
The Third Eye
The Third Eye The Third Eye The 3rd Eye is directly related to the 6th chakra and the pineal gland. It is located on the middle of the forehead above the brows and along with the 6th chakra that sets in back of the third eye and the pineal gland; it is the psychic sight of the soul. In ...
Egyptian Cobra
Egyptian Cobra Egyptian Cobra NEXT PAGE
Carcossa by James Page
Carcossa by James Page Carcossa by James Page The bells have rung and the temples shine Sweet, lucious grapes swell purple on the vine In the place that was Carcossa The Peacock King strolls magesticly In more colors than mere human eyes can see In the place thats his Carcossa There a...
Samhain Samhain For those of us who are very close to Father Satan, we are all well aware that he is fed up with all of the Judeo/Christian claims and statements concerning what Satanism is about, how we celebrate and worst of all WHAT THEY CLAIM HE IS ALL ABOUT. SATAN IS NOT A HALLOWEE...
Astrological Degrees and Fixed Stars
Astrological Degrees and Fixed Stars Astrological Degrees and Fixed Stars 0-1 Degrees of all signs signify the beginning of important events in ones life with predictive astrology, such as solar and lunar returns. 29 Degrees of all signs bring about the ending of events in the life, such...
The Call to Lessons by James Page
The Call to Lessons by James Page The Call to Lessons by James Page Lesson one, our bodies: Father Satan has created our bodies with his own essence. Father Satan has revealed to us the true chakra system and how to train our bodies. Father Satan has given us the ability to achieve Godhe...
Poems, Prayers and Eulogies to Satan
Poems, Prayers and Eulogies to Satan Poems, Prayers and Eulogies to Satan From Members Classical
Opening the Sixth Chakra
Opening the Sixth Chakra Opening the Sixth Chakra The third eye is an EXTENSION of the 6th chakra, which is located directly beneath the crown chakra, right in the middle of the brain. I just found this recently through my own experiences in meditation. Every book I have read [plenty]...
CURSES OF THE GODS Curses of the Gods Much has been publicized concerning the 1922 Tutankhamen discovery and the numerous and mysterious deaths that were more than mere coincidences. Atheistic scholars are at a loss to come to any realistic explanation, as they are concerning the constru...
Advanced Satanic Magick
Advanced Satanic Magick Advanced Satanic Magick When performing advanced black magick and working with elemental thoughtforms, advanced poppits and such, it is important to know the difference between evocation and invocation. NEVER invoke the energy to create these beings if they are to...
Venus 1225
Venus 1225 Venus 1225 Kabalistic/Magickal Square of Venus for empowering chakras, strengthening a debilitated Venus, and for help in health and overall spiritual advancement related to Venus Kabalistic/Magickal Square of Venus for material success, prosperity, and earthly [non-spiritua...
Music: Satans Gift to Humanity
Music: Satans Gift to Humanity Music: Satans Gift to Humanity The Devil has always had the best tunes. This has been known for centuries. Along with literature, theatre, and art, the Christian Church has always regarded music with great suspicion, when it wasnt completely under their st...
Meditation from Satan
Meditation from Satan Meditation from Satan This is the most blissful meditation I have ever done; it was a gift to me from Father Satan. This meditation stimulates the crown chakra and the pineal gland and it is a most beautiful natural high that lasts long after the meditation is perf...
Dabbling in Satanism
Dabbling in Satanism Dabbling in Satanism Satanism is very different from other religions. Satanism is different in that it does not mix. Mixing Satanism and Christianity for example is like mixing water with electricity. I have seen and read accounts where certain people who had an inte...
The Heart Chakra
The Heart Chakra The Heart Chakra THE FOURTH, THE CENTER THE HEART CHAKRA (ANAHATA) LOCATION: Center of the chest ELEMENT: Fire/Air COLOR: Green NUMBER OF PETALS: 12 PLANET: Mercury Gender: Neuter DAY: Wednesday METAL: Mercury FUNCTION: The heart chakra is the neuter connector for the...
Satanisms Origins in the Far East
Satanisms Origins in the Far East Satanisms Origins in the Far East From years of research, and guidance from our Beloved Father Satan, we have discovered the true origins of Satanism. We have come to the conclusion, knowing Judaism, Christianity and Islam to be unparalleled and viscious...
Chakra Breathing by Azazel
Chakra Breathing by Azazel Chakra Breathingby Azazel To perform this meditation, you should already be experienced with the Foundation Meditation. Relax and enter into a trance state, then, instead of breathing in energy into your entire body as with the energy meditation, breathe in ene...
Making Excuses for Christianity
Making Excuses for Christianity Making Excuses for Christianity Christianity becomes more and more sickening every day. One of the main reasons this virus has thrived as long as it has is the rationalizing and the making of excuses by most of its followers. The latest I heard is you cant...
For Those Who are New to Spiritual Satanism
For Those Who are New to Spiritual Satanism For Those Who are New to Spiritual Satanism Introduction To Spiritual Satanism What You Can Expect.... Satanic Sacraments Magick 1001: Witchcraft- Powers of the Mind and Soul Magick 1001: The Three Steps of Witchcraft Ritual Tools and Their Us...
Creating a Fire Elemental Thoughtform
Creating a Fire Elemental Thoughtform Creating a Fire Elemental Thoughtform This can obviously be dangerous. You should be adept at controlling and holding the fire element. Out of control, this entity can set anything on fire at random and is not to be toyed with. Be sure to read th...
Enochian - English D - I
Enochian - English D - I Enochian - English D - I D Gal D= DI three, third D= DA three, third DALAGARE= DLUGAR, give DALUGA= DLUGA, give DALUGARE= DLUGA, give DAMPLOZ= variety DAMEPELOZODA= variety DAO= CHIALDO, diamond DAOX= 5678 DARBS= obey DAREBESA= obey DAREJI= DARG, 6739 DARE-...
Guardian Demons
Guardian Demons Guardian Demons A close friend of mine and myself were working a Ouija Board. She asked if there was a Guardian Demon for her. The planchette spelled out G-U-S-I-O-N. Later on, Gusion appeared to her in a dream. A couple of weeks later, I drew his sigil, we took it to the...
Essays and Articles from JoS Members
Invoking Earth
Invoking Earth Earth Characteristics of Earth: People who are dominant in earth are sensual, materialistic, practical, and they hate anything that is unplanned. Earth gives patience, self-discipline, makes one dependable, reliable, and conventional. Earth people like tradition, and secu...
Drawing in Energy
Drawing in Energy Drawing in Energy Once you are advanced, you no longer have to actually breathe in energy; you can just direct it with your will, using your mind. The easiest way to start out is by willing energy through the front of your body as you would by breathing with the energy...
About Astrology
About Astrology About Astrology Astrology, when interpreted accurately, is the most detailed and advanced method of divination and is essential to timing rituals and working magick. Nearly all of the ancient megalithic structures were designed to observe the stars and their movements. ...
LIFE IN THE FAST LANE LIFE IN THE FAST LANE Most people, especially here in the USA, live life in the fast lane; fast food, high-speed cable, quick service, I want it five minutes ago and so forth. The spirit world does not work like this. I have to keep re-emphasizing: PATIENCE, PERSE...
Spiritual Satanism: For Those Who Are New
Spiritual Satanism: For Those Who Are New Spiritual Satanism: For Those Who Are New Unfortunately, the Christian Church has worked relentlessly to remove knowledge, suppress freedom of the press and free speech, and attack Satan. Satanism is a major threat to many who wish to retain cont...
Healing Loved Ones
Healing Loved Ones Healing Loved Ones When we perform Satanic healing on our loved ones, it is quite different from working on ourselves. It is best to use healing energy from the earth and let it run through us into the loved one. To do this, it is very important to have open, activ...
Concerning the False Spiritual Teachings of Yoga
Concerning the False Spiritual Teachings of Yoga Concerning the False Spiritual Teachings of Yoga The ego is the self. As above, so below, we need to work as a unit in order to advance. The Sanskrit word, yoga means union. In my work as a medium, I invoked many spirits of deceased human...
Meditation on Satan
Meditation on Satan Meditation on Satan Most of us have felt Father Satans energy. His energy is strong and gives us a feeling of confidence and sometimes exhilaration. We can meditate on his energy and make it more powerful in our lives. By doing this, we grow much closer to Satan, fo...
THE ORIGINS OF THE GOAT OF MENDES The Origins of the Goat of Mendes The origins of the Goat of Mendes can be traced back to Ancient Egypt. Goats and Rams were worshipped in many cities throughout Egypt thousands of years ago. The Goat is synonymous with Satanism. The horns represen...
Cat Breath [Ujjayi]
Cat Breath [Ujjayi] Cat Breath [Ujjayi] To begin, practice partially closing your glottis [as with snoring] and hissing like a cat, both with an inhale and exhale. This should be even and controlled. 1. Now that you have located your glottis, close it off as with the hissing and inhale...
Standard Ritual to Satan
Standard Ritual to Satan Standard Ritual to Satan The ritual below is for new people, who are inexperienced. These steps are to acquaint one with the procedure for the formal advanced ritual. These rituals are for those who prefer to use ceremony and can also be adapted for covens and gr...
Preliminary Meditations for Invoking the Elements
Preliminary Meditations for Invoking the Elements Preliminary Meditations for Invoking the Elements In order to really become adept, one must master the elements. This is also the message of the Mage card of the Tarot. You must be healthy to invoke the elements. For those of you who wish...
Opening and Meditating on Your Clairaudience Points
Opening and Meditating on Your Clairaudience Points Opening and Meditating on Your Clairaudience Points Meditating on your centers of clairaudience; also known as psychic hearing will empower your astral hearing. This is useful when communicating with Demons. Just relax and focus on each cen...
Blame Shifting
Blame Shifting Blame Shifting By now, everyone is aware of Andrea Yates and how she murdered her five children. The news stories are full of reports that this woman claimed she was possessed by the Devil. She even went as far as to state she had 666 on her scalp (obviously from watching...
Complete Chakra Meditation 666
Complete Chakra Meditation 666 Complete Chakra Meditation To perform this meditation optimally, it is important that your soul is already open. If you havent already performed the Opening of the Soul meditations, then I strongly encourage you to do so before beginning the meditation giv...
Important Information About Satanic Healing
Important Information About Satanic Healing Important Information About Satanic Healing When performing healings, it is important to write your affirmations down and the specific techniques you used. This actually goes for all spells and workings, but is especially important with he...
Meditating on Your Clairvoyance Points
Meditating on Your Clairvoyance Points Meditating on Your Clairvoyance Points Meditating on your psychic eyes will empower your astral vision. It is easy. Just close your eyes and look at the 3rd eye in the middle of your forehead. It is important to relax and not to strain your eye m...
Planetary Hours
Planetary Hours Planetary Hours Planetary Hours of the Day Hour Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 6 (approximate sunrise) Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn 7 Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter 8 Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon M...
Aura Of Protection
Aura Of Protection Aura Of Protection This meditation is very important. It is simple and the more you do this, the more powerful the protective aura becomes.1. Breathe in white-gold energy* as you would with the energy foundation meditation. You dont need to go into a deep trance with t...
Noted Planetary Placements
Noted Planetary Placements Noted Planetary Placements The table below contains the noted placements of the planets. Planets in their exalted and home signs are stronger in their influence over ones personality and lifes affairs, than when in their signs of detriment and fall. This also i...
For Vepar by James Page
For Vepar by James Page For Vepar by James Page Her voice a bell Her walk a dance Her sweet scent makes ravenous the sated Her eyes a well Her touch, sweet lance Im her wolf, my breath is bated Back to Poems, Prayers and Eulogies to Satan from Members Back to Satanic Testimonials Main ...
Resources Resources Below is a list of books and DVDs. Always remember to read and view everything the Satanic way, with discretion, as so much has been corrupted. Satan leads us to the truth. The more you open your mind and soul, you will be able to see the truth for yourself much easie...
The Al Jilwah; The Black Book of Satan
The Al Jilwah; The Black Book of Satan The Al JilwahThe Black Book of Satan Chapter I I was, am now, and shall have no end. I exercise dominion over all creatures and over the affairs of all who are under the protection of my image. I am ever present to help all who trust in me and cal...
The Planets: Signs, Houses and Aspects
The Planets: Signs, Houses and Aspects The Planets: Signs, Houses and Aspects The Sun: Signs, Houses and Aspects The Moon: Signs, Houses and Aspects Mercury: Signs, Houses and Aspects Venus: Signs, Houses and Aspects Mars: Signs, Houses and Aspects Jupiter: Signs, Houses and Aspects Satu...
Flame Meditation
Flame Meditation Flame Meditation Method One: 1. Light a candle and stare at the flame for approximately two minutes. Make sure your attention does not wander. 2. Close your eyes, place your hands in a relaxed cupped position, palms over your eyes, and concentrate on the imprint of the...
Shortcuts Shortcuts Below are shorter versions of the mantras for the magickal squares. These definitely work, and can be useful when one is short on time, and/or in workng the larger squares such as the Moon and Mercury. Remember to stay with the mantra you are using [shorter or longer ...
Sacral Chakra Meditation
Sacral Chakra Meditation Sacral Chakra Meditation LOCATION: Halfway between the naval and pubic bone. ELEMENT: Earth COLOR: Orange NUMBER OF PETALS: 6 PLANET: Mars GENDER: Male DAY: Tuesday METAL: Iron FUNCTION: Sexuality, pleasure, procreation, creativity, the seat of sexual energy. INN...
Satans Poem III
Satans Poem III Satans Poem III I have created the men of time The seven earths and the seven heavens. These are my suns shine on the worlds Guide the perplexed and my secrets are hidden I am who creates in the wombs as I like. People and I made my miracles appear in my creations. I am ...
Virtue Θ - Justice
Virtue �� - Justice �� Justice To act in Justice is a product of the highest wisdom and the highest power. Over the centuries, it has been the most powerfully debated topic: How to attain Justice? How to be Just? Is that only a matter of debate, or the attainment of highest consciou...
The Necronomicon
The Necronomicon The Necronomicon I am writing this in response to the numerous posts in the Joy of Satan e-groups regarding the authenticity of the Necronomicon. Far too many people just believe what they are told or whatever they read and take it as a fact. This is what is called The ...
666BlackSun Disclaimer
666BlackSun Disclaimer Disclaimer The 666BlackSun site is a site that is dedicated on proper historical review of the Spiritual beliefs held by the National Socialists. We have found after elaborate research things that were known for decades after WW2, including the reality that the so ...
Love Spell
Love Spell Love Spell To incite love or lust, sexual orgasm is used and is directed into the soul of the desired one. This ideally should be done often and when he or she is asleep. Stimulate yourself to climax by fantasizing over the desired one. At the moment of climax, visualize the e...
Staying Healthy & Protected
Staying Healthy & Protected Staying Healthy & Protected Given the possibility of pandemics, as the old saying goes: An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. This definitely speaks for witchcraft as well. It is much easier to prevent a problem than it is to deal with it once is...
Subliminal Messages in The Movies
Subliminal Messages in The Movies Subliminal Messages in The Movies The 1973 movie, The Exorcist is a blatant example of using scare tactics to keep people away from Satan. Not only are scare tactics used, but also the subliminal messages contained in the movie are numerous to add to th...
SATAN IS GOD Darkness is light turned inside out - Beelzebub Joy of Satan Exposing Christianity The Joy of Satan Library Joy Of Satan Astrology Online Forums Kabbalah Exposed 666 Black Sun Third Reich And Satanism The Joy of Satan Rituals & Reverse Torah ...
Satanic Meditation Information
Satanic Meditation Information Satanic Meditation If then you do not make yourself equal to God, you cannot apprehend God; for like is known by like. - Thoths Words about reaching the Godhead Power MeditationsMeditations To Increase Personal Power Awareness MeditationsIn...
SATANIC LOVE SATANIC LOVE With all the New Age hype, there is this emphasis on love, love, love. Love is an emotion. Yes, it is essential to human happiness and ones well-being, but all of this emphasis on love has cheapened it and has made it to be something it is not. ALL emotions are...
Saturn Saturn Saturn is the most important planet. Saturn is where we suffer in life. Saturn is misfortune and loss. Rules: Capricorn and co-rules Aquarius Natural ruler of the 10th house and co-ruler of the 11th house Exalted sign: Libra Signs of Detriment: Cancer, Leo Sign of Fall: Ari...
The Satanic Warriors Dedication by James Page
The Satanic Warriors Dedication by James Page The Satanic Warriors Dedicationby James Page I need no parents: Satan is my creator, Hells Army my brothers and sisters, the earth my birthright, the dimensions known and unknown mine to travel at will! I need no home: Satanic knowledge is ...
Satanic Hypnosis
Satanic Hypnosis Satanic Hypnosis Satanic Hypnosis is a form of self-hypnosis that is extremely effective. With standard self-hypnosis, one enters into a trance and makes repeated affirmations to modify behavior. With Satanic hypnosis, one breathes in the energy of a specific color that ...
Bioelectric Technology and the Black Arts of Hypnotism
Bioelectric Technology and the Black Arts of Hypnotism Bioelectric Technology and the Black Arts of Hypnotism Each of us has an electro-magnetic field around our bodies. This is what we know as the aura. Our thoughts and the activity of our brain form a circuit within that aura. Sinc...
Jupiter: Its Signs, Houses and Aspects
Jupiter: Its Signs, Houses and Aspects Jupiter: Its Signs, Houses and Aspects ABOUT JUPITER [Link] JUPITER IN THE SIGNS Aries These people can be extremely self-centered. Those with Jupiter in Aries, especially when prominently placed are loud, extravagant, bombastic, and impatient. They...
I CURSE JESUS!! by Leroy Anderson
I CURSE JESUS!! by Leroy Anderson I CURSE JESUS!! by Leroy Anderson I am asking all Satanists reading this to do daily Spiritual Warfare against these groups who have such hatred against Lord Satan and His teachings: I SPIT ON JESUS, I PISS ON JESUS, I CURSE HIM DAY & NIGHT, MAY HIS KI...
Aura Empowering Meditation
Aura Empowering Meditation Aura Empowering Meditation This meditation is excellent for extra energy when done regularly. It is quite powerful and builds over time. This meditation can also be done outside; drawing in energy form the Sun. This seriously amplifies the energy. 1. Enter into...
Fighting Back
��� Fighting Back Fighting Back One of the most important reasons we clean our auras is to rid ourselves of all of the negative energy that we encounter on a daily basis. Much of this comes from others in our immediate environment. The workplace can be especially troublesome as well as ...
The Hierarchy and Orders of Demons
The Hierarchy and Orders of Demons The Hierarchy and Orders of Demons First Hierarchy: Seraphim Cherubim Thrones Second Hierarchy: Dominions Principalities Powers Third Hierarchy: Virtues Archangels Angels Nobility Rankings of Hell: Prince King Marquis Duke Earl President The Crown P...
666 Breath of Lucifers Grail
666 Breath of Lucifers Grail 666 Breath of Lucifers Grail This breath is somewhat advanced and works to connect the male and female aspects of the grail. This is very important for the Magnum Opus. One should already be competent with breathing exercises and in working with energy. 1. Br...
Throat Chakra Meditation
Throat Chakra Meditation Throat Chakra Meditation THE FIFTH THE THROAT CHAKRA [VISHUDDI] LOCATION: Throat ELEMENT: Air COLOR: Sky Blue NUMBER OF PETALS: 16 PLANET: Venus GENDER: Female DAY: Friday METAL: Copper FUNCTION: Communication, emotional self-expression INNER STATE: Psychic heari...
Joy of Satan Welcome Message
Joy of Satan Welcome Message IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR NON-SATANISTS, ATHEISTS AND THOSE WHO ARE NEW TO SPIRITUALITY 2018 Update: True Satanism is Spiritual Alchemy and of the Ancient Pagan religions that preceded Christianity, Islam and their root of Judaism from hundreds to thousan...
Virtue Ζ - Wisdom
Virtue �� - Wisdom �� Wisdom For all my knowledge has served me well: but my heart has known the greatest wisdom and the greatest secrets. I must therefore learn to listen, not to speak. To be silent, to not speak. To receive, to not speak. To act and to exist in wisdom, is the g...
Creating an Astral Temple
Creating an Astral Temple Creating an Astral Temple Making regular use of an astral temple can increase the effectiveness of your magick and has many other uses. Astral projection is ideal, but not necessary. A deep meditative state and visualization are the keys. You should construct yo...
Virtue Î’ - The Fall
Virtue �� - The Fall �� The Fall As freedom has began, so doth with it has began the path of rise or fall. Being dancers inside duality, but deaf to the symphony of life, we lost our footing and we fell. Every fall is there to be reversed, and as man fell, so might he return. We ha...
The Yezidi Devil Worshippers of Iraq
The Yezidi Devil Worshippers of Iraq The Yezidi Devil Worshippers of Iraq There have been many conflicting articles concerning the Yezidi Devil worshippers of Iraq. The Yezidi people originally came from Southern Iraq and migrated north to Mount Lalish. It is believed they are descend...
Powers of the Mind and Soul
Powers of the Mind and Soul Powers of the Mind and Soul The essence of TRUE Satanism is completing our Creator God Satans work upon humanity. Satan was prevented from finishing his work on humanity: that of the human soul into the godhead. The godhead is spiritual and physical perfection...
How to Dedicate Your Soul to Satan
How to Dedicate Your Soul to Satan Making a Commitment to Satan Had I as many souls as there be stars, Id give them all for Mephistopheles! -Dr. Faustus *Please read the Frequently Asked Questions at the bottom of the page. What happens when I make a formal commitment to Satan? Satan ...
Satanic Third Eye, Pineal Breathing Meditation
Satanic Third Eye, Pineal Breathing Meditation 3rd Eye, Pineal Breathing Meditation What this meditation does is it puts pressure on your third eye or pineal gland, which will further open and empower whichever one you are focusing on. This meditation is advanced and not for beginners. Y...
Prominent Neptune
Prominent Neptune Prominent Neptune No chart is perfect. Neptune though, is something to be aware of. The energies of this planet are very difficult to sublimate. Consistent meditation, which is actually ruled by Neptune can help. On the upside, Neptune rules ethereal beauty, it is the ...
The 6th Chakra
The 6th Chakra The 6th Chakra THE SIXTH CHAKRA [AJNA] LOCATION: Directly behind the Third Eye in the center of the brain Please click here for more information about the Third Eye ELEMENT: Ether COLOR: Indigo/bluish-violet NUMBER OF PETALS: 2 PLANET: Moon GENDER: Female DAY: Monday MET...
HPS Maxines Account on Satan
HPS Maxines Account on Satan ���������������Satan��� ��� HPS Maxine���s Account For too long, so many lies and so much misinformation have been spread about Satan. Many of us have seen him, have conversed with him, and have even been astrally touched by him. Nearly all of us who know ...
Returning Curses Part 1
Returning Curses Part 1 Returning Curses Part 1 This aura of protection works best when begun and performed during a waxing Moon [make sure the moon is not void of course when you begin this working] and should be applied when your aura is completely eradicated of any negative energy. [Se...
Sex Magick
Sex Magick Sex Magick Sexual orgasm is equivalent in power to the life force. Using sexual orgasm in ritual and in your magickal workings can give much added power to your outcome. Sex Magick is ancient, extremely powerful and is the creative principle. At the moment of orgasm, one auto...
Neptune: Signs, Houses and Aspects
Neptune: Signs, Houses and Aspects Neptune: Signs, Houses and Aspects ABOUT NEPTUNE [Link] NEPTUNE IN THE SIGNS is generational, manifesting itself in world events, unless Neptune is the ruler or co-ruler of the chart, and/or prominently placed. Aries Neptune rules the underprivileged. W...
FINDING THINGS FOR YOURSELF FINDING THINGS FOR YOURSELF In the Black Book, Satan instructed his followers to memorize the teachings he dictated, because so much has been altered. There is hardly any truth remaining anymore. I have found as many of us have in my relationship with Father ...
How to Summon Demons
How to Summon Demons How to Summon Demons *For people who have had problems in getting a Demon to appear, click on the link at the bottom of the page Note, 24/February/2015: This article was originally written over ten years ago. Much has happened since then. Since that time, Joy of Sata...
Important Points
Important Points Important Points I received a personal e-mail today that brought up several important issues that I feel need to be addressed to everyone. Due to compulsory Christianity in many homes in the USA, Europe, and in many other countries worldwide, most of us come from Chr...
90 results.