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The Moon: Signs, Houses and Aspects
...uled by the house are exceptional in some way. One born on a void of course Moon is often a very unusual and/or outstanding person. Eva Braun, Adolf Hitlers mistress/wife had the ruler of her 7th [marriage/partners] with the sign of Cancer on the cusp, ruled by a void of course Moon in the 8th hous...
The Houses of the Zodiac ruler is placed in the eighth [ruler of the 7th in the 8th], the partner may be exceptionally important and powerful. Eva Braun, who married Adolf Hitler, had the ruler of her marriage house in the 8th house. THE NINTH HOUSE: Cadent House of Life Rules: Ones second spouse, ones third child, ones ...
Invocation Of Water
...n element usually express the element in a different way from those who have the element. Those who lack water can actually be quite emotional. Adolf Hitler lacked water, but was very emotional. This could be seen in his speeches. Those of us who have met him on the astral know he is caring and resp...
Creating a Fire Elemental Thoughtform
...all can be directed into the body of an enemy when working black magick. These methods were used by 1920s, and 1930s Satanic Lodges in Germany [Adolf Hitler belonged to one] and used to eliminate enemies in the form of a psychic sacrifice. If the victim is not adept with fire, his/her blood will lit...
Satanas Or Wodanaz – The Origins of Odin
...nism in the eras, and all these people exterminated. For what? Following the Ancient System in different forms. Lastly, as Carl Jung admitted. Adolf Hitler was in fact, a manifestation of the Power of Odin. Whom as we know by now, is Satan/Vatan. “When, for instance, the belief in the God Wotan v...
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