Acts and Noble Acts

Great social or individual acts, are the pathway to growth and personal development.

The action to solve something and to improve, is the key to personal and collective success.

The power of acting begins from the individual human being and extends onward. It starts from our life, extending outwards.

As we deny our right to act, or even better, to act wisely - we do not advance.

Of all, those that advance the least are those who do nothing and embark in no action. Every action matters: small or great.

We are to draw inspiration from great acts of bravery and great attainments of the past whilst envisioning great works for the future: the more we understand, the more we get inspired.

Inspiration moves into action, and action can breed the nobler acts, through a noble heart and noble soul.



“O Master Beelzebul,

Great Beelzebul,

Wielder of the Thunderbolt,

Inspire us into action,

Praised be you that inspires our Noblest Acts!”

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Library of Congress Number: 12-16457, CI-476909645 EU Copyright Number

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