The Hierarchy and Orders of Demons

The Crown Princes of Hell appear to be the most high ranking; above the Kings. As for the military titles of Hell's Army, these are the same as for the human military. Their rank has to do with their spiritual powers. Always remember, Demons show us how we can help ourselves and advance spiritually.

Demons who belonged to certain orders often specialize in certain abilities and powers. In my own experiences, I have found our Personal/Guardian Demons are the ones we go to for nearly all of our needs, even those outside of their offices. Sometimes, our Guardian Demons will seek assistance from other Demons for us. Also, if we work hard for and are dedicated to Satan, Demons can come to us on their own, offering their help in times of trouble. This has happened to me.

Here is some info on the hierarchies and powers:

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Library of Congress Number: 12-16457